Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back Pain: The ONE Thing That Makes Sciatica Worse & What To Do About It

By Dean Volk, The Carolinas Leading PT

Sometimes IT happens.

You’re going about your normal day, you’re feel great and don’t think twice about any ‘health problems’ because they’re way off in the future anyway, but then all of a sudden you feel a twinge in your lower-back…

And immediately you know something’s not right.

Maybe you even begin to kid yourself into thinking that it’s nothing, that after a good night sleep it will go away on its own. But the thing is, when lower back pain strikes, (and if you don’t do anything about it quick), it can leave you suffering for much longer than you should.

Which is exactly what happens to many of my clinets, before they come to see me.
Many clients came in to see me in a great deal of pain – often times so bad that they can hardly even get out of bed in the morning, (not without struggling for 20 minutes anyway!).

Here’s what typically happens… weeks or months ago they were simply bending down to pick up a piece of paper, a ball, a pen, or doing something simple like folding laundry, or simply bending into the dryer, and they notice a sudden ‘PING!’, something in their back “went.” And like most people who come to see me with low-back pain, they brush aside, hoping they wake up the next day as if it never even happened.

But the following day, the pain was still there.

Their back was still ache, but they decide to leave it a little longer as it does not seem urgent enough for a doctor visit, thinking that if they just get through the next days, the pain would ease off.
But those days turned into weeks, and their back pain grows worse and worse – and the problem was, all of the sitting and resting they did, thinking it would make it ‘better’, was adding pressure to their back, causing a shooting pain to run down her leg, which meant very little to no walking, and even time off work…

…This condition is also known as Sciatica.

Sciatica is when a disc at the base of your spine is put under too much pressure… and it irritates a nerve that runs down your leg – often causing numbness even pins and needles as well as pain.
The pain from Sciatica is often so excruciating it makes it almost impossible to get out of the house, drive, go shopping, or even sleep comfortably – and nearly always gets worse when you sit.
To put it simply – it’s a painful and life-limiting condition that can happen as a result of not getting your back pain seen to as soon as pain strikes.

But there are things you CAN do, such as specific exercises to help you get back to feeling healthy and on your feet again without worrying that your back is going to put you out.

Here are Three Simple Tips:

1. Avoid sitting for any longer than is absolutely necessary
2. As an exercise – stand up, put your hands on your bum and lean back – hold for 10 seconds. It may be painful, but you’re helping it the long run
3. Watch my video where I show an actual client from a workshop get quick easy relief with two very simple, easy to perform exercises. To view it, click HERE


If you want more information to recover from Back pain and Sciatica, I have put together a FREE Low Back Report with information to help you immediately as well. IF interested, please click HERE to get your free copy, for you or a loved one.

One other thing we will be doing throughout the year is offering FREE Low Back Pain and Sciatica workshops. They will typically be on Saturdays throughout the year, and IF this interests you, or you know someone who may be able to benefit from it, please email me personally at so I can be sure you are notified of where and when our next workshop will be. (we are holding a SPECIAL TUESDAY night, 7/26 FREE Workshop in Concord location. Call 704-707-4282 and register with Jen for this FREE life changing event!!

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